2014 Color of the Year

It’s hard to believe, but a new year is almost upon us. And you know what that means… a new Color of the Year! Yesterday, the color gurus over at Pantone announced that—drum roll, please—Radiant Orchid is the color for 2014.

pantone-color-of-the-year-radiant-orchid-main-600x329How do we feel about this? I have to say I wasn’t crazy about it on first impression, but then I got to thinking about how much I liked the House Beautiful covers in July/August and November, so I’m reconsidering. Plus, it was the color of my girlhood room, unicorn wallpaper and all…

I guess I haven’t really been a huge fan of any of the past few Pantone colors from the get-go. Maybe it’s because I’m scared of color. Seriously, I think I am. My favorite colors are gray and navy for goodness sake! Or maybe it’s that if I’m using color, I want it to be bold and strong. Give me a violet, not this orchid nonsense. (I just got an iPhone 5C, and I feel the same way about those colors. Where’s the hot pink? I went with white over the watermelon-salmon mix.)

Screen Shot 2013-12-06 at 10.36.13 PMDo you use a version of Radiant Orchid in your home—or would you like to? Love it or hate it, let me know and have a great weekend!

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