Foodie Friday: Dragon Ranch

My boss works from home so I hardly ever see her, but she was nice enough to take me out to lunch yesterday as a belated birthday celebration. We went to Billy Dec’s (of Rockit, Sunda and The Underground fame) newest venture, Dragon Ranch Moonshine & BBQ.

Unfortunately I couldn’t imbibe the moonshine (though I wanted to tell the hottie waiter that I’d be back to drink with him lata!), but I did have the roasted sweet potato hash (the best), bahn mi with brisket (something different but probably better to just stick to Vietnamese or Southern BBQ) and the s’more for dessert (almost campfire good). The boring salad was the boss’ – you know that ain’t me.

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The Verdict: I’d go back for apps and moonshine – dessert if I’m feeling skinny.

I want that Wednesday

Aw man, fall is here. And I am super pumped! Me and few friends have already made a fall bucket list (let’s just say it includes hayrack rides, pumpkin bourbon milkshakes and a trip to the outlet mall). But what would really be great is a barn with one of these to hang out on…

*Photo courtesy of Garden & Gun, swing by (pictured) designer Rachel Halvorson

DIY Fail: Outlet Covers

Hey all, I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day weekend. I ended up at my favorite bar (The Pony), took in the sunrise at my favorite beach (Montrose) and grabbed breakfast at my favorite eatery (M. Henry) – all in one night/morning! It was a great send-off to summer and a nice reminder about what makes this city so great.

I also got around to attempting an improvement project at the new place. Since the day I moved in, the outlet covers have been driving my mom crazy. I didn’t even notice until she said something, but it is something little you can do to improve a place as a renter. These just looked grungy and like they’d been painted around for a bunch of years. Given that the covers themselves are less than $1 each, I decided to go ahead and replace them. Problem is, I didn’t look that closely and the switches are actually off-white. It’s not that the covers were dirty – they were off-white all along! Who puts off-white covers on outlets on a white wall? Come on now.

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So, as much as I hate the switches not matching the plates, I’m going to leave them as is. It’s still an improvement, albeit a somewhat imperfect one.